Bradly Jersak - Prayer on Love

I copied this prayer from a recent podcast (sorry, weeks later I wasn’t able to relocate that same program. Nevertheless, it’s quite movingf!

Begin this prayerful time where I say, God is love.   He’s shown us what that love looks like in someone who revealed God‘s love as self-giving .  He’s utterly generous to you.  Everything he has of himself is yours.  He’s radically forgiving —there’s absolutely nothing his blood can’t wash.  

There’s that would not a single thing we’ve ever done that would hinder him from loving us. He’s co-suffering, he knows your deepest sorrows, your deepest pain —  he has experienced it in his body, soul and spirit — and he’s wept blood for you.   That’s the kind of love that is extended and it lives in you. 

If you want to experience that love, we say OK.  That’s our complicated prayer. I would be willing to surrender myself to that kind of care.

If God is really like that — if Jesus has really revealed God as this dwelling ABBA who holds  at us our worst, in our most deepest pain; who’s gone into the abyss to find us — could you surrender yourself to his care? 

Would you like to taste that before you decide? 

PRAYER:  If you could meet him anywhere at all for one on one and just look him in the face where would you meet him? 

Outside, inside, favorite room, favorite chair, favorite beach, favorite mountain, wherever you’d meet him — open the eyes of your heart and see how he comes to you. Does he come as father, friend, brother, Shepard, king, or healer — however he needs to come to you.  Open the eyes of your heart and see him.  That place is not somewhere else, it’s in you.  He comes to your heart to visit, and He says, “I’d like to live here.”  

Take a moment to open the eyes of your heart to see the expression on his face — faces communicate.  How’s he look at you?  What expression is there, what are his eyes saying? 

I know the true Lord Jesus of Nazareth his eyes communicate good news.   So what’s the “good news message” that you receive from his eyes today?  

Maybe your less visual and more auditory so he’s had your whole life to wait for this moment to come up with a great one liner. 

What’s the very first thing he would say to you today?  And so we open the ears of our heart to listen.  

And I’ll ask him like this, “Hey Jesus, what’s the good news?” Would you tell my brothers and sisters  in this moment?  We’re not asking anybody to sign up for something — it’s just probably a day to receive some love.  So you’re gonna open the hands of your heart. I’m gonna ask him to bless you:  “So father in heaven, Abba, Abba,son of God with those wounded hands; holy spirit with that fiery love, would you bless my brothers and sisters today.  In fact, would you lay your wounded hand on their burdens and draw off burdens and pour in healing light and love today.  And fill them up with all the goodness that you have for them.”  Just let stuff go; let him draw out toxins from your heart into his wounds and he’ll swallow them up in Love; and let him pour healing love into your heart — changing you from the inside.  And Amen means “lay back into that love — just lay back into it.  

Bradley Jersak’s Website:


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