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History & Theology Teacher, Guide and Student
Advancing Awareness in the Interspiritual Languages of Wisdom
Apophatic/Contemplative Approach to the Mystery of Faith
Developer of the “Wisdom2be Resource Center”
Creator/Instructor: “Wisdom in an Age of Anxiety” — an inquiry into the human condition.
Keith Basar was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1952. As a teenager, under the inspiring leadership of Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Keith was introduced to the cause and principles of social justice embedded in the Civil Rights movement. A few years later, using similar education and organizing tactics, Keith and fellow advocates acted to organize workers and raise issues pertaining to poor working conditions and worker rights in the world of “retail clerks” in Phoenix, Arizona. Their efforts fell short, but on a macro-level the encounter pointed to a much broader challenge: the human condition.
Chicago Botanical Gardens (2024)
With new possibilities on the horizon Keith relocated to the Midwest where he participated in, and managed a community owned and operated Whole Foods Cooperative in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Unique in purpose and character, the Coop community gifted Keith with the opportunity to connect with passionate minds and hearts, making it one of his favorite stops along the employment road. The journey continued…
During this same Midwestern stay, Keith encountered a sojourner of sorts who’d recently returned from an extended stay in Southeast Asia (Burma and Thailand). It was at this time that Keith was introduced to a Buddhistic perspective on life. He was awe-struck! It was a first opportunity to consider a world and life outside his own. That experience, along with future academic pursuits, transported him into a lifelong journey for meaning and truth.
Some years later Keith, alone on an Oklahoma highway, had a “revelatory moment” (one of those ah-ha moments) whereby he witnessed the interconnectedness with the whole of life and in particular, the human family. It seemed as though old labels and stereotypes, stubborn as they might be, began to fade.
Inspired and driven, over the next three decades he embraced a variety of theological and philosophical expressions — drawing insights/wisdom that would further his pursuit for well-being. Keith’s interests grew in a vast array of wisdom traditions including Japanese Zen culture, Chinese philosophy, the writings of the early Christian mystics, Sufi sages and much more... It was during this time period that he realized all systems, whether political, religious, ideological, etc., imperfect as they were, were humankind’s impulse or internal wiring to gravitate towards transformational Love..
Rock Island - Door County, WI (2024)
Keith frequently cited an old Zen adage, “the finger that points to the moon is not the moon.” He’d come to realize that his own obsessing on that metaphorical finger (his personal points of view) rather than what those views pointed to, revealed a deep chasm within: his own arrogance — the need to be right! For Keith, it was a defining moment and a dramatic step forward. His journey of the heart found new emphasis and energy.
As time passed Keith’s interest deepened in both Eastern and Western cultural traditions, and the inspiring voices of wisdom — past and present. In addition, through the process of personal inquiry, Keith was introduced to a variety of perspectives on the evolution/development of human consciousness. It created a floodgate of new possibilities! Lastly, and maybe most importantly, Keith came to see life as a dance. And that dance, with all its wonders, mishaps and tragedies — often found a partner in mystery and paradox. This insight lead Keith to the understanding that no one, no matter their status or credential, could ever possess a monopoly on truth. As a modern day sage put it, ““The Truth is the only thing you’ll ever run into that has no agenda.” With this simple insight Keith found his freedom. And of course with one door opened another soon followed: the potentiality of a new found story for humankind — freed from dogmatic illusions and prejudice. A story giving insight into human error and the wisdom needed to heal that breach — an all encompassing narrative in need of a language, form and presence. A story rooted in heart, imagination, inner-spiritual traditions, intellect, science, art and wonder — a never-ending story of light dispelling our worst human shadows. What Keith had come to discern was now calling him to be one of countless voices — voices pointing to an extraordinary human story in need of a better future; a human story more earth conscious, heart-centered, and demonstrating reverence for humanity’s time on earth.
Stella - Winter 2024
Today, Keith runs a web-based “Wisdom2Be Resource Center” and continues offering the course, “Wisdom in an Age of Anxiety” (WAA). WAA is an existential and academic based course designed to shed light on why stress, anxiety and fear weigh so heavily on the heads and hearts of humanity. The second half of the course draws from a wide variety of wisdom traditions, as well as the social sciences to lend insight into the healing process. Keith has taught the course to college graduate students, high school psychology students and At-Risk teenagers.
Keith lives in Sturgeon Bay, WI. with Stella, his Australian Shepard.