“Iola Pond” - A place I once lived

Weekly Tao Te Ching


There seem to be three responses to the Tao: Some hear of it and know in their souls that it is true.  They devote their lives to knowing it more fully. Some hear of it and say,“that sounds interesting” and think about it now and then. Some hear of it and say, “Absurd! Airy-fairy nonsense!”  and laugh out loud.

This is why we have these adages: Great wisdom seems childlike; Great power seems weak; True goodness seems suspect; Great art seems ordinary and plain; Great love seems uncaring; Even Truth itself seems false.

🛎 William Martin’s Website / His Books📚


Weekly - Mirabai Starr

“The One revels itself as the compassionate Father and the protective Mother, as unrequited Lover and loyal Friend, residing always at the core of our hearts, and utterly invisible.  The One transcends all form, all description, all theory, categorically refusing to be defined or confined by our human impulse to unlock the Mystery.  And the One resides at the center of all that is, ever-present and totally available.”

🛎 Mirabai Starr’s Website


Weekly - Anthony de Mello

“As the Arabs say, "The nature of rain is the same, but it makes thorns grow in the marshes and flowers in the gardens.”  

🛎 Anthony de Mello’s Website


Weekly - Alan Watts

“Most of us assume as a matter of common sense that space is nothing, that it's not important and has no energy. But as a matter of fact, space is the basis of existence. How could you have stars without space? Stars shine out of space and something comes out of nothing just in the same way as when you listen, in an unprejudiced way, you hear all sounds coming out of silence. It is amazing. Silence is the origin of sound just as space is the origin of stars, and woman is the origin of man. If you listen and pay close attention to what is, you will discover that there is no past, no future, and no one listening. You cannot hear yourself listening. You live in the eternal now and you are that. It is rally extremely simple, and that is the way it is.”

🛎 Alan Watt’s Website


Weekly - William Paul Young

“The old must be torn down for the new to be raised; to have a resurrection you must have a crucifixion, but God wastes nothing, not even the wrong we have imagined into existence. In every building torn down there is much that remains that was once true and right and good, and that gets woven into the new; in fact, the new could not be what it is without the old. It is the refurbishing of the soul.”


Doodle of the Week (1)

🛎 Buddha Doodles Website


Weekly - Deng Ming Dao

“We may be floating on Tao, but there is nothing wrong with steering. If Tao is like a river, it is certainly good to know where the rocks are.”

🛎 Deng Ming Dao’s Website


Weekly - Peter Rollins

“The point of second naïveté is not to reach a position where one rejects academic debates but rather to provide a space in which readers can place these ongoing debates to one side so that they can attend to the transforming source of the text itself. It is this transforming source that we speak of when we speak of the Word of God.”

🛎 Peter Rollin’s Website



Weekly - Maya Angelou

You are the sum total of everything you’ve ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told, forgot – it’s all there. Everything influences each of us, and because of that I try to make sure that my experiences are positive.

🛎 Maya Angelou’s Website


Weekly - Thich Nhat Hanh

"Life is available only in the present moment.”

🛎 Plum Village Website


Doodle of the Week (2)

🛎 Buddha Doodles Website


Weekly - Richard Rohr

“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”

🛎 Richard Rohr’s Website


Weekly - Brian D. McLaren

"That's why if Jesus were here today, I imagine he would speak frequently of the new global love economy of God — not an industrial economy, and not an information economy, and not even an experience economy, but a wise relational economy that measures success in terms of gross national affection and global community, that seeks to amass the appreciating capital of wise judgment, profound for-thought, and deepening virtue for the sake of rich relationships."

🛎 Brian McLaren’s Website


Keith’s Weekly Pick

“To set up what you like against what you dislike is the disease of the mind.” 


"Cranes, Pines, and Bamboo" by Ogata Kōrin (1658-1716)

"Cranes, Pines, and Bamboo" by Ogata Kōrin (1658-1716)