“Ambiguity And Paradox, Mystery And Language” by Julia Corbett-Hemeyer
Paradox, Mystery, Ecumenicalism Wisdom2be Paradox, Mystery, Ecumenicalism Wisdom2be

“Ambiguity And Paradox, Mystery And Language” by Julia Corbett-Hemeyer

In my previous role as a hospital chaplain here in Muncie, I was with a family gathered at the bedside of a dying family member, keeping vigil as families do at that point. The conversation and associated emotional tenor changed back and forth, sometimes quite rapidly, between sadness, grief and mourning their loved one’s impending death, and laughter, sometimes deep belly laughs, as they brought to mind humorous anecdotes from his life. At one point, one of the daughters looked at me and said something to the effect that “You must think we’re nuts by now with all these conflicting emotions.” I assured her that I thought nothing of the sort, that what they were experiencing was quite common and indeed healthy.


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