“The Heart is Infinite” by Amoda Maa
The heart is infinite—like a bottomless well.
The heart can absorb and allow everything—including what you perceive as a grievance, as an attack, as an offense.
The heart doesn’t reject anything, and neither does it invest itself in anything. Everything can be thrown into that well, and in that tenderness it is purified.
“NO MORE WAR” by Amoda Maa
War is a symptom of the divided mind. And the divided mind is what governs most human beings. It is an unconscious state, in which there is no recognition of the indivisible reality of pure consciousness that underlies all seemingly separate individuations. It is a primitive state of ego-consciousness that thrives on comparison and the dichotomy of victor and vanquished, victim and perpetrator, subject and object. In this divided state, we go to war with other nations, other ideologies, other religions, other opinions, other life forms. We even go to war with the present moment, rejecting it, resisting it, trying to fix it or change it or run away from it or take possession of it. In the unconsciousness state, everything — even the natural flow of life — is a threat, something to be overcome so that we stay in our comfort zone or stand on a pedestal of superiority or specialness.
“The Openness that Holds It All” by Amoda Maa
The innocent longing to come home – what we call the spiritual search – is so often hijacked by an unconscious psychological agenda for comfort and perfection. Along with the desire to end the suffering created by ego’s tenacious story-telling comes a hope that this ending means we no longer have to feel what we don’t like to feel.
“Cutting the Root of Suffering” by Amoda Maa
You may spend a lifetime — or even lifetimes — looking for what you think is missing, all the time missing what’s already right here inside you. You may look for romantic relationship to give you love, for success to give you recognition, for money to give you richness, for knowledge to give you power, or for a guru or a deity or God to give you peace.
“Becoming a Warrior of Love” by Amoda Maa
As old world structures crumble, the possibility of a new world dawns on us. A world in which authenticity, transparency, and respect are the ground from which we live. This new world starts within — it’s an inner revolution, a 360 degree turnaround of consciousness in which we meet ourselves, each other, and the life we live from an internal landscape that is free of ego’s grip.
But in order to be free of ego, we are required to face the fear that drives the panic of our minds and poisons the blood in our veins. And this is the task of a warrior — one who can stand as openness in the midst of darkness, one who can walk as presence in the midst of devastation. Is this too much to ask of ourselves, is this beyond our reach as ordinary human beings? No. It is nothing more and nothing less than the harnessing of our birthright of freedom and our true sovereignty of love.
“10 Spiritual Lessons for a New World” by Amoda Maa Jeevan
Amidst intensely turbulent times, so many of us today are feeling the urgent call to make changes that will create a brighter future for us all. Yet, however much we may want to save the world or fix what’s wrong, the truth remains that we can only change the world by changing ourselves. Inner transformation is the key to outer change.
Only by having the courage to walk through the darkness of fear, doubt and uncertainty towards the light of our true inner radiance can we transform our lives from suffering to joy and can we transform our world from terror to peace. The activation of this inner light is a radical shift in consciousness that awakens us to the miracle of our own power. It’s a shift from seeing through the myopic lens of ego to seeing through the unbounded clarity of an open heart.