“WOMAN as Erotic-Spiritual Power” (excerpt) Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man by Sam Keen
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“WOMAN as Erotic-Spiritual Power” (excerpt) Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man by Sam Keen

The third aspect of WOMAN is as an irresistible erotic-spiritual force. She is the magnet, and men the iron filings that lie within her field.

It is difficult to give this aspect of WOMAN a familiar name because Western mythology, philosophy, and psychology have never acknowledged its reality. Once, men and women assumed that the goddess controlled all things that flow and ebb—the waxing and waning moon, the rise and fall of tide and phallus. But ever since God became Father, and men have considered themselves the lords over nature (and women), we have defined man as active and WOMAN as reactive. Consequently, we have never developed a language that does justice to WOMAN'S erotic-spiritual power.

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