"Male and Female Differences and Strengths - The Yin Yang Perspective" by Felice Dunas
Taoism, Spiritual Teachers Wisdom2be Taoism, Spiritual Teachers Wisdom2be

"Male and Female Differences and Strengths - The Yin Yang Perspective" by Felice Dunas

The most fundamental essential philosophies behind Oriental history, culture, religion, government and business is Yin Yang theory.  This is one of the oldest cosmologies in all of human thinking.  People have been using this understanding of life for over 5000 years.  We don’t know its true historical timeline as  archeological evidence can document only around 5000 years at present.  Yin Yang theory works with the premise that all of life stems from a point of perfect balance.  On either side of that balance you have the left and the right, the wet and the dry, the night and the day, the female and the male, the negative and the positive, multi-faceted focused, single goal focused, etc.  


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