“NO MORE WAR” by Amoda Maa
Consciousness Wisdom2be Consciousness Wisdom2be

“NO MORE WAR” by Amoda Maa

War is a symptom of the divided mind. And the divided mind is what governs most human beings. It is an unconscious state, in which there is no recognition of the indivisible reality of pure consciousness that underlies all seemingly separate individuations. It is a primitive state of ego-consciousness that thrives on comparison and the dichotomy of victor and vanquished, victim and perpetrator, subject and object. In this divided state, we go to war with other nations, other ideologies, other religions, other opinions, other life forms. We even go to war with the present moment, rejecting it, resisting it, trying to fix it or change it or run away from it or take possession of it. In the unconsciousness state, everything — even the natural flow of life — is a threat, something to be overcome so that we stay in our comfort zone or stand on a pedestal of superiority or specialness.


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