“God” (a different perspective) by Keith Basar
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“God” (a different perspective) by Keith Basar

Ah, the question of God.  He, She, It, the Universe, the Great Spirit, Heart of Hearts, the Flow, Being, Tao, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Love, Compassion, Power, Omniscience, Wrath, Judgment, Kindness, Mercy — the list goes on.  I’ve pondered, considered, rationalized, been terrified by, and felt smaller than small with this question — and to this day the enigma lives on…


Over the decades, inside this ever expanding, often perplexing mystery, a personal insight has surfaced.

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"A Church of Non-Christians" by Peter Rollins
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"A Church of Non-Christians" by Peter Rollins

One of the signs of a world-historical movement is that it spills over from its particular interests and unites previously separate groups. In other words, an influential movement speaks beyond the confines of its origin, crosses tribal boundaries and touches people who might otherwise have no connection with each other. For instance, the French Revolution and the Arab Spring both began in a particular place with a particular people but ended up having world transforming significance through impacting the lives of millions who had nothing to do with either.


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