“Consciousness as God” (excerpt - ‘From Science to God’) by Peter Russell —— bonus content: Youtube interview entitled,  ‘A REVOLUTION IN CONSCIOUSNESS ’
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“Consciousness as God” (excerpt - ‘From Science to God’) by Peter Russell —— bonus content: Youtube interview entitled, ‘A REVOLUTION IN CONSCIOUSNESS ’

To many, the statement "I am God" rings of blasphemy. God, according to conventional religion, is the supreme deity, the almighty eternal omniscient creator. How can any lowly human being claim that he or she is God?

When the fourteenth-century Christian priest and mystic Meister Eckhart preached that "God and I are One" he was brought before Pope John XXII and forced to "recant everything that he had falsely taught." Others suffered a worse fate. The tenth-century Islamic mystic al-Hallãj was crucified for using language that claimed an identity with God.


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"What is Wisdom?" by Peter Russell
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"What is Wisdom?" by Peter Russell

Humanity is too clever to survive without wisdom.

~ E.F Schumacher

What is wisdom? We hear the word a lot these days—the need for wisdom, the wisdom traditions, wisdom schools. We each would like to have more wisdom. And for others to have it as well. Too much human hurt and suffering comes from lack of wisdom. But what is this quality that we hold in such high regard?

Most of us are familiar with the progression from data to information to knowledge:

• Data are the raw facts; the letters on a page, for example…


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