"Private "I," Private Property" (excerpt) THE TAO OF ABUNDANCE by Laurence Boldt
Spiritual Teachers, Taoism Wisdom2be Spiritual Teachers, Taoism Wisdom2be

"Private "I," Private Property" (excerpt) THE TAO OF ABUNDANCE by Laurence Boldt

The primary or original consciousness, the Tao—the innate intelligence of the universe—is there all the while, whether we are aware of it or not. The man who has amnesia has not become someone else—he has simply forgot-1 ten who he is. In the Western world, which is today (in a cultural sense) ] most of the world, we have a collective amnesia regarding the unnameable Tao—we have lost touch with a consciousness that is prior to the ego. It is j not only that we have failed to open the Wisdom Eye; we have forgotten that it even exists. As a result, the field of consciousness available to us is limited to that defined by the ego.


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