“Becoming a Warrior of Love” by Amoda Maa
Spiritual Teachers, Love Wisdom2be Spiritual Teachers, Love Wisdom2be

“Becoming a Warrior of Love” by Amoda Maa

As old world structures crumble, the possibility of a new world dawns on us. A world in which authenticity, transparency, and respect are the ground from which we live. This new world starts within — it’s an inner revolution, a 360 degree turnaround of consciousness in which we meet ourselves, each other, and the life we live from an internal landscape that is free of ego’s grip.

But in order to be free of ego, we are required to face the fear that drives the panic of our minds and poisons the blood in our veins. And this is the task of a warrior — one who can stand as openness in the midst of darkness, one who can walk as presence in the midst of devastation. Is this too much to ask of ourselves, is this beyond our reach as ordinary human beings? No. It is nothing more and nothing less than the harnessing of our birthright of freedom and our true sovereignty of love.


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