“Jesus: His Religion” – (Pt. 2) by Alan Watts

“Jesus: His Religion” – (Pt. 2) by Alan Watts

So, let’s suppose then that Jesus had such an experience. But, you see, Jesus has a limitation, that he doesn’t know of any religion other than those of the immediate Near East. He might know something about Egyptian religion, and perhaps a little bit about Greek religion, but mostly about Hebrew. There is no evidence whatsoever that he knew anything about India or China. And people who think that Jesus was God assume that he must have known because he would have been omniscient. No, Saint Paul makes it perfectly clear in the Epistle to the Philippians that Jesus renounced his divine powers so as to be Man.


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“Jesus: His Religion” – (Pt. 1) by Alan Watts

“Jesus: His Religion” – (Pt. 1) by Alan Watts

Some years ago, I had just given a talk on television in Canada when one of the announcers came up to me and said, “You know, if one can believe that this universe is in the charge of an intelligent and beneficent God, don’t you think He would naturally have provided us with an infallible guide to behavior and to the truth about the universe?” Of course I knew he meant the Bible. I said, “No, I think nothing of the kind, because I think a loving God would not do something to His children that would rot their brains.” Because if we had an infallible guide we would never think for ourselves, and therefore our minds would become atrophied. It is as if my grandfather had left me a million dollars, and I am glad he didn’t. And we have therefore to begin any discussion of the meaning of the life and teachings of Jesus with a look at this thorny question of authority, and especially the authority of Holy Scripture.


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Arius vs Athanasius - Lecture by Dr. Richard Rubenstein - Presented by 21st Century Reformation
Christian History Wisdom2be Christian History Wisdom2be

Arius vs Athanasius - Lecture by Dr. Richard Rubenstein - Presented by 21st Century Reformation

In a rare presentation, Richard Rubenstein, author and professor of Conflict Resolution at George Mason University, addresses a conference of One God believers in Atlanta. Rubenstein, author of the book "When Jesus became God" brings us exceptional insights into the great Christian conflicts that surrounded the "Arian" controversy and particularly the council of Nicea in 325 AD. This is a must see for everyone with an interest in church history, the development of post-biblical Christian orthodoxy and/or conflict resolution.

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