“I’m Listening” by Nat Sanders

Tell me, Love,

all the things that hurt-the hidden places,

the betrayals,

the wounds

created by those whose best-they-could

wasn't enough to prevent suffering.

Tell me about the dark gaps.within you,

the parts you fear most,

the things you wish were different,

and the secrets even you are scared to hear again.

Tell me, Beloved,

what it is you long for,

what's missing, what isn't yet,

and what you worry will never come.

I'll watch it with you.

We’ll look at it together,

witnessing the weight the world asked you to carry.

We'll give it all the compassion

it doesn't think it deserves

and all the room it needs to breathe.

And then,

Dear One,

tell me all the things you love,

all the places the light peeks through.

Is it the smell of rain on warm soil,

the way the early morning sun catches in the trees,

the sound of your children's whispers

or your pup's playful bark?

Is it a daydream or a favorite place,

the ferns unraveling in spring,

the color shifting come fall,

he way crisp winter air feels bright in your nose?

Tell me, my love,

what gets you through,

about the safe one you reach for when your heart aches,

about the stories that remind you of your humanity.

What poem is it that sparks your courage,

what book reminds you of my love,

what song can't you help but dance for?

The two are always side by side

heartache and goodness,

joy and sorrow.

When you tire of the one,

tilt your head toward the other.

Trust that beauty exists,

and open your eyes.

I would never leave you with nothing but pain.

~Nat Sanders

SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/groups/172940790799505/user/100010540441494


“In the World” by Brigid Lowry


Story: “The Buddha Statue” from “Your Breath is Your Guru” by Galen Pearl