“Laughter Came From Every Brick“ by Theresa of Avila

Laughter Came From Every Brick 

Just these two words He spoke

changed my life,

“Enjoy Me.”

What a burden I thought I was to carry –

a crucifix, as did He.

Love once said to me, “I know a song,

would you like to hear it?”

And laughter came from every brick in the street

and from every pore

in the sky.

After a night of prayer, He

changed my life when

He sang,

“Enjoy Me.”

SOURCE: From Love Poems from God, by Daniel Ladinsky

BUY THE BOOK: https://www.amazon.com/Love-Poems-God-Twelve-Compass/dp/0142196126


Expands His Being by Meister Eckhart


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