“A Taoist Priest” (a Zen Poem) - found in ‘Tao of Jeet Kune Do’  by Bruce Lee
Taoism, Zen Wisdom2be Taoism, Zen Wisdom2be

“A Taoist Priest” (a Zen Poem) - found in ‘Tao of Jeet Kune Do’ by Bruce Lee

“The empty-mindedness of chi sao applies to all activities we may perform, such as dancing. If the dancer has any idea at all of displaying his art well, he ceases to be a good dancer, for his mind stops with every movement he goes through. In all things, it is important to forget your mind and become one with the work at hand. When the mind is tied up, it feels inhibited in every move it makes and nothing will be accomplished with any sense of spontaneity. The wheel revolves when it is not too tightly attached to the axle. When it is too tight, it will never move on. As the Zen saying goes:

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