“Awareness” by Anthony de Mello (edited by Keith Basar)
Wisdom Stories, Awakening, Awareness Wisdom2be Wisdom Stories, Awakening, Awareness Wisdom2be

“Awareness” by Anthony de Mello (edited by Keith Basar)

The student monk had spent seven years of his life learning how to live and embrace a life of being fully aware thus the highly perceptible state "awareness." His confidence overflowed in such a way that it seemed near impossible for his knowledge to fail him under any circumstance.

Now his study time had ended and he was prepared to be tested his many years of diligent effort.

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"The Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng"
Buddhism, Wisdom Stories Wisdom2be Buddhism, Wisdom Stories Wisdom2be

"The Sixth Patriarch Hui Neng"

One day the Fifth Patriarch told his monks to express their wisdom in a poem. Whoever had true realization of his original nature (Buddha Nature) would be ordained the Sixth Patriarch. The head monk, Shen Hsiu, was the most learned, and wrote the following:

The body is the wisdom-tree,

The mind is a bright mirror in a stand;

Take care to wipe it all the time,

And allow no dust to cling.

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