“The Tao Of Health, Sex and Longevity” (excerpt) — by Daniel Reid
Taoists advocate living (that is, being connected) in complete harmony with the great patterns of nature (as opposed to our modern day disconnect with the wonderment of creation and ultimately our capacity to listen and be intuitively fed), and they venerate (regard with the greatest respect/admiration, lionize, revere) womanhood precisely because women are by nature far closer to…

The Tao of Forgiveness (excerpt) Story 5- "Benefit or Harm?" by William Martin
Once, long ago in ancient China, a drought of many years' duration was bringing great misery to a small province. Year after year the people of the province waited for the rainy season to come and bring the needed nurture for the rice crop. Each year the season produced very little rain and the rice crop dwindled. Many were on the verge of starvation. Indeed, some elderly people had died of illnesses brought on by their hunger-weakened condition.

"Relationship vs. Relating — Bringing Our Togetherness Back to Life" by Jeannie Zandi
By showing us who we are and how to live surrendered to what is, nondual wisdom can greatly minimize the suffering that is our common human affliction in a separation-based society. This awareness as a psychotherapist throws a new light on the issues that a client brings to the session room. Even the least “spiritual” client, who may not be interested in esoteric talk of one’s true nature as consciousness, is interested in suffering less, especially in the relationships that matter most. Here, I will explore the difference between the concept of relationship, which is born of conditioning and can only perpetuate the isolation and distress we feel inside of identification with a “me,” and the actual experience of moment-to-moment relating, which is our birthright and an expression of our natural state.