“God” (a different perspective) by Keith Basar
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“God” (a different perspective) by Keith Basar

Ah, the question of God.  He, She, It, the Universe, the Great Spirit, Heart of Hearts, the Flow, Being, Tao, Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Love, Compassion, Power, Omniscience, Wrath, Judgment, Kindness, Mercy — the list goes on.  I’ve pondered, considered, rationalized, been terrified by, and felt smaller than small with this question — and to this day the enigma lives on…


Over the decades, inside this ever expanding, often perplexing mystery, a personal insight has surfaced.

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“Spiral Dynamics - A Simplified Outline” by Keith Basar
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“Spiral Dynamics - A Simplified Outline” by Keith Basar

Approximately two years ago I came across the “integrated model to understand human consciousness,” called Spiral Dynamics. Clearly not the easiest theoretical model to digest, but with time and persistence I’ve gleaned from it new tools to deepen my understanding of human history — specifically, the good and bad of human behavior. The model is no panacea, but it is a fantastic aid in helping to make some sense of an otherwise nonsensical world.

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