“Spiral Dynamics - A Simplified Outline” by Keith Basar

Approximately two years ago I came across the “integrated model to understand human consciousness,” called Spiral Dynamics. Clearly not the easiest theoretical model to digest, but with time and persistence I’ve gleaned from it new tools to deepen my understanding of human history — specifically, the good and bad of human behavior. The model is no panacea, but it is a fantastic support in making some sense of an otherwise nonsensical world.

From life inside early tribal cultures to our present 21st century malaise, Spiral Dynamics sets up yard markers (vMEMES) lending insight into patterns of human behavior. Spiral Dynamics has aided my perspective on questions like — Why is human aggression and destruction so prevalent?; Why do demagogues rise (and fall)?; Why do sages such as Siddhārtha Gautama, Jesus of Nazareth, Lao-tzu, Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī, Ramana Maharshi, Thich Nhat Hanh, Maya Angelou, and so forth, manifest unequaled moral and ethical character?; Why has modernity relegated the earth to “one big supply & trash heap?”

I’ve borrowed language and insights from multiple sources (and added my own) to design this simplified Spiral Dynamics outline. All sources are listed at the bottom of this page.

I hope my efforts spark interest and/or offer greater understanding of the Spiral Dynamics model. May we all gain new understandings into the world we are a part of.

Grace & Peace,

Keith Basar

Spiral Dyn - Short Page 1.jpg
S.D. Chart - JPG.jpg

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