"If There is No Self, Then Who’s Sitting Here?" by Sunada Takagi
Buddhism, Mindfulness Wisdom2be Buddhism, Mindfulness Wisdom2be

"If There is No Self, Then Who’s Sitting Here?" by Sunada Takagi

Does the Buddhist idea of “no self” strike you as bizarre or outrageous? Sunada has been reflecting on this difficult concept, and shares her thoughts on it so far. It isn’t just an obscure philosophical point for mental gymnasts, she says. Paradoxically, she thinks the ideas can help us in a very real way toward finding and becoming more of who we really are.

If I asked you who you are, what would you say? Many people might begin by telling me what they do for work – teacher, software engineer, accountant. But no, I’d say. That’s the work you do, not who you are. If you changed or lost your job, that identity would disappear. So who are you really?


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