The Tao of Forgiveness (excerpt) Story 5- "Benefit or Harm?" by William Martin
Forgiveness, Taoism, Relationships Wisdom2be Forgiveness, Taoism, Relationships Wisdom2be

The Tao of Forgiveness (excerpt) Story 5- "Benefit or Harm?" by William Martin

Once, long ago in ancient China, a drought of many years' duration was bringing great misery to a small province. Year after year the people of the province waited for the rainy season to come and bring the needed nurture for the rice crop. Each year the season produced very little rain and the rice crop dwindled. Many were on the verge of starvation. Indeed, some elderly people had died of illnesses brought on by their hunger-weakened condition.

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“Mad Dash!” by William Martin
Taoism, Consciousness Wisdom2be Taoism, Consciousness Wisdom2be

“Mad Dash!” by William Martin

A new drive-through food establishment has opened in Chico. It’s called… wait for it… Mad Dash! The sign out front proudly proclaims, “Two slices of pizza and a drink in 90 seconds!” I’m thinking of opening a competing place called Instant Gratification! People will pull up to a pump, insert their credit card, stick a hose in their mouth and pump a liter of high fructose corn syrup directly into their gut. No muss, no fuss, no nutrients to get in the way and keep us from getting about the business of… whatever it is that is so urgent.

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"Insecurity" by William Martin
Taoism, Fear Wisdom2be Taoism, Fear Wisdom2be

"Insecurity" by William Martin

The vast majority of people who have existed on this small blue dot of a planet have experienced lives filled with uncertainty and insecurity, yet have still managed to create beauty in the midst of ugliness, compassion in the midst of hate, and courage in the midst of fear. My grandparent’s generation saw millions of young men die in the carnage of the trenches of World War I. Half a century earlier their own grandparents watched a civil war tear the country apart. My parent’s generation lived for years not knowing whether or not the darkness of the Third Reich would engulf them. The American Revolution itself turned on a dime and those we call “Founding Fathers” could easily have been hanged as traitors and terrorists and we today might well be, along with Canada, part of the British Commonwealth.

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