“A Persian Philosopher in Damascus” (excerpt) — Of Ancient Gods and New — ‘Jesus the Son of Man: His Words and His Deeds As Told and Recorded by Those Who Knew Him’ by Kahlil Gibran

“A Persian Philosopher in Damascus” (excerpt) — Of Ancient Gods and New — ‘Jesus the Son of Man: His Words and His Deeds As Told and Recorded by Those Who Knew Him’ by Kahlil Gibran

I cannot tell the fate of this man, nor can I say what shall befall His disciples.

A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible. Yet should that seed fall upon a rock, it will come to naught.

But this I say: The ancient God of Israel is harsh and relentless. Israel should have another God; one who is gentle and forgiving, who would look down upon them with pity; one who would descend with the rays of the sun and walk on the path of their limitations, rather than sit for ever in the judgment seat to weigh their faults and measure their wrong-doings.

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