“A Path Less Travelled” by Sean O’Laoire

“A Path Less Travelled” by Sean O’Laoire

I believe that we have to become serial killers in order to reach enlightenment.  Firstly, we have to kill the ego, in the sense that it needs to be confined to its appropriate tasks (ensuring that I pay my taxes on time, stop at red lights and tie my shoe-laces) but not become my identity.  Then I have to kill my father, by which I mean that I have to outgrow the cultural traditions into which I was born, and, instead, embrace a global identity. 


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"Ojibwa Values"
Spirituality Wisdom2be Spirituality Wisdom2be

"Ojibwa Values"

Traditionally the Ojibwa Value the Spiritual Process

For the Ojibwa, values are part of the spiritual journey ... not the destination.

Values are an integral part of every culture. Along with a perception of mankinds' place in the universe and the individuals own personality, cultural values generate behavior.

Cultural values create expectations and behavior patterns without which a culture would disintegrate and its members lose their sense of identy and self worth.

For example, values tell people what is good or bad, right or wrong, important or insignificant, useful or detrimental, beautiful or unattractive. Values are at the root of traditions that groups of people find important in their daily lives.

What are some Ojibwa values?

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“A Poem” (title unknown) by Maurice Frydman
Poetry, Spirituality Wisdom2be Poetry, Spirituality Wisdom2be

“A Poem” (title unknown) by Maurice Frydman

Heavy with the mud of many lands I was flowing lazily, 

Making obstacles of myself out of my unholy accumulations. 

Suddenly I awakened to the freshness of endless beauty, 

And felt the eternal environment of endless peace. 

SOURCE: https://www.wisdom2be.com/essays-insights-wisdomwritings-spirituality/the-extraordinary-life-of-maurice-frydman-biographical-collection

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