Simone Weil - Waiting for God

“You can take my word for it too that Greece, Egypt, ancient India and ancient China, the beauty of the world, the pure and authentic reflections of this beauty in art and science, what I have seen of the inner recesses of human hearts where religious belief is unknown, all these things have done as much as the visibly Christian ones to deliver me into Christ's hands as his captive. I think I might even say more. The love of those things which are outside visible Christianity keeps me outside the Church. 

Such a spiritual destiny must seem unintelligible to you. But for this very reason it provides useful matter for reflection. It is good to reflect about whatever forces us to come out of ourselves. I have difficult in imagining how it can be that you really have some friendship in me; but as you apparently have, it may be for this purpose.”
~ Simone Weil, 

SOURCE: Waiting for God


"Walk On" by Jyoti


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