“Beloved Mother of All Thing”s by Thich Nhat Hanh

“Beloved Mother of All Thing”s by Thich Nhat Hanh

"Dear Mother Earth,

"I bow my head before you as I look deeply and recognize that you are present in me and that I'm a part of you. I was born from you and you are always present, offering me everything I need for my nourishment and growth. My mother, my father, and all my ancestors are also your children. We breathe your fresh air. We drink your clear water. We eat your nourishing food. Your herbs heal us when we're sick.

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“A Path Less Travelled” by Sean O’Laoire

“A Path Less Travelled” by Sean O’Laoire

I believe that we have to become serial killers in order to reach enlightenment.  Firstly, we have to kill the ego, in the sense that it needs to be confined to its appropriate tasks (ensuring that I pay my taxes on time, stop at red lights and tie my shoe-laces) but not become my identity.  Then I have to kill my father, by which I mean that I have to outgrow the cultural traditions into which I was born, and, instead, embrace a global identity. 


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