“Rumi: In the Arms of the Beloved” —Translation by Jonathan Star

Remember what I said. . . .

I said, Don’t leave, for I am your Friend.

In the mirage of this world

I am the fountain of life.

Even if you leave in anger

and stay away for a thousand years

You will return to me,

for I am your goal. I said, Don’t be content with worldly promises

for I am the tabernacle of your contentment. I said, Do not go upon the dry land

for I am the Sea without a shore. I said, O bird, do not fly into the hunter’s net;

Come toward me, for I am the power

that moves your wings,

that lifts you through the sky. I said, They’ll capture you and put you on ice;

I am the fire and the warmth

of your true yearning. I said, They will cover you with water and clay;

You will forget that I am your taintless beginning. I said, No one can tell how my work will manifest

for I create the world from all sides. Let your heart’s light guide you to my house.

Let your heart’s light show you that we are one.

SOURCE: Star, Jonathan “Rumi” - Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition


"Forgotten Wing" by Keith Basar


"Beginning" by Deng Ming Dao (excerpt from 365 Tao)