“A Poem” (title unknown) by Maurice Frydman

Maurice Frydman

Heavy with the mud of many lands 
I was flowing lazily, 

Making obstacles of myself 
out of my unholy accumulations. 

Suddenly I awakened 
to the freshness of endless beauty, 

And felt the eternal environment 
of endless peace. 

My beloved I have found you, 
and yet never were we separated, 

Every drop of my being is you 
and yours is the force of my flow, 

Never are we apart 
and yet I always strive after you. 

The flow of creation will go on 
with me or without me, 

Only do not make me forget 
that I am none 

and that you only exist and create 
in ever-changing mobility. 

Poetry by Maurice Frydman (1901-1977)

SOURCE: https://www.wisdom2be.com/essays-insights-wisdomwritings-spirituality/the-extraordinary-life-of-maurice-frydman-biographical-collection


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