The Orthodox Heretic by Peter Rollins
Theology, Philosophy Wisdom2be Theology, Philosophy Wisdom2be

The Orthodox Heretic by Peter Rollins

“Many centuries ago an independent island was attacked by the dictator of a nearby nation, a nation with vast resources and a mighty army. Upon landing on the island, this army moved with little resistance toward the capital city. With less than a day to decide what action to take, the leaders of the island desperately discussed what could be done in the face of the encroaching army. They were hugely outnumbered, out-resourced, and out-skilled, so defeat seemed inevitable.

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“Creeds” by Peter Rollins
Christianity, Philosophy, Theology Wisdom2be Christianity, Philosophy, Theology Wisdom2be

“Creeds” by Peter Rollins

“I believe creeds aren't worth the paper they are written on...But I still believe in God.

I believe that if you look at my life, you'll only sometimes see what I believe.

I believe that if we have two coats, we should give one away (though I don't do it).

Today I don't believe in anything; tomorrow who knows.

I sometimes believe in God — one who existed before time, beyond gender or fathom.

Make of heaven and earth and ginger (all good things), whales, two-hundred-foot cliffs, cloud banks, shipwrecks,

And in Jesus Christ, God's only Son our Lord, 

Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost- how?


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“The Mystic, the Evangelical and the Fundamentalist” - Author Unknown
Parables, Religion Wisdom2be Parables, Religion Wisdom2be

“The Mystic, the Evangelical and the Fundamentalist” - Author Unknown

There is an old anecdote in which a mystic, an evangelical pastor and a fundamentalist preacher die on the same day and awake to find themselves by the pearly gates. Upon reaching the gates they are promptly greeted by Peter, who informs them that before entering heaven they must be interviewed by Jesus concerning the state of their doctrine. The first to be called forward…

SOURCE: ‘How (Not) To Speak of God by Peter Rollins (Paraclete Press, 2006), page 21

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