“Prayer” by Deng Ming Dao
Taoism, Ecumenicalism Wisdom2be Taoism, Ecumenicalism Wisdom2be

“Prayer” by Deng Ming Dao

Prayer is simple.

Pressing your palms together is a universal gesture of prayer, benediction, gratitude, and humility. It signals that you are unifying all aspects of yourself and that you are completely present. No one can pick up a weapon or form a fist with palms pressed together. In prayer, there can be no aggression.


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“The Tao is Silent” by Raymond M. Smullyan
Taoism Wisdom2be Taoism Wisdom2be

“The Tao is Silent” by Raymond M. Smullyan

When I first came across the Taoist writings, I was infinitely delighted. I did not feel that I was reading something strange or exotic, but that I was reading the very thoughts I have had all my life, only expressed far better than I have ever been able to express them.

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"The Taoist Sage" (excerpt) THE SILENT TAO by Raymond M. Smullyan
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"The Taoist Sage" (excerpt) THE SILENT TAO by Raymond M. Smullyan

“At all costs, the Christian must convince the heathen and the atheist that God exists, in order to save his soul. At all costs, the atheist must convince the Christian that the belief in God is but a childish and primitive superstition, doing enormous harm to the cause of true social progress. And so they battle and storm and bang away at each other. 

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