"The Strength of Weakness” by Richard Seymour
- Awakening 2
- Awareness 2
- Being Human 1
- Bible 2
- Buddhism 8
- Christianity 4
- Compassion 1
- Consciousness 5
- Ecumenicalism 1
- Egotism 1
- Enlightenment 2
- Fear 3
- God 7
- Grace 1
- Heart 1
- Heaven 1
- Keith Basar 2
- Koans 1
- Listening 1
- Love 10
- Meaning of Life 1
- Mysticism 5
- Native American 1
- Parables 1
- Philosophy 2
- Poetry 63
- Prayers 1
- Relationships 1
- Religion 3
- Spiritual Teacher 15
- Spirituality 18
- Suffering 2
- Taoism 26
- Theology 3
- Truth 1
- Wisdom 3
- Wisdom Stories 80
- Wisdom Story 31
- Zen 29
Be wary of the very strong
And they shall become weak.
Be dismissed as being weak
And that shall be your strength.
Remember that the oceans place themselves
Below the land;
But all rivers flow into them.
And remember, too,
That water - the most Pliant of all substances -
Has shaped continents.
~Richard Seymour
SOURCE: https://taoism.net/tao/