“An Artist’s Eye” by Keith Basar

Manyu Varma.jpg

This poem is dedicated to my wise, sweet friend M. A person of incalculable passion for life and the path she now excitingly follows. 


You were born of the Holy

gifted in ways that few know

and fewer could ever know.

How long has your heart celebrated your poetic flair?

and artistic touch?

that searches the stillness of the night

for its next expression?

Most likely, long before you were born

Cloaked in paradox and allegory 

without name or form,

from your birth you’ve been drawn to this mystery 

where the voice of the ages whispers come hither,

whereby the soul speaks the unspeakable,

in a patois of an artist’s eye

A turbulent past sparks your present flare.

Primer before pigment, ya know.

A naked, transparent heart embodies you

to paint and pen your passions, 

hopes and celestial dreams

For so long you resisted, 

“practicality over passion”, 

“first things first”

but the universe said no.

It’s “still small voice”

igniting your soul to rise


sometimes fearless.

Transcribing between empty frames, 

brushstrokes of beauty, sorrow, agony and bliss

speaking your sweet language of light, 

All as a winsome woman — now set free!

You‘ve worn these colors from your earliest days,

unfathomable sensitivity 

drawing nigh 

deeper into the human condition; 

questioning the very fiber of reality; 

To find where you belong;

To know who you belong with; 

To seek guidance from within; 

And to gaze up at the amazing sparkles

that hang from the night sky. 

expressions of humanity’s hymn, 

all in an artist’s eye!

Your calling is that of a living flame, 



with heat and Light!

to paint and pen what arises

deep calling to deep.

You are love’s mystery

incalculably sassy

always anointed

And with the most exquisite artist’s eye.

© 2017 Keith Basar - All Rights Reserved


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