“Greatest Gifts” by Dianne Bautch

Would I know such joy

if I had never gotten lost in melancholy?

Would I know such peace

if I’d had no need to overcome chaos? 

Would I have become strong and resilient

if I had never struggled with my weakness?

Would I have learned to love myself 

if I’d never been betrayed, and felt unwanted?

Would I have learned to value myself

if I’d never known the shame of feeling unworthy?

Would I have learned to feel the sacred in my ecstasy

if there hadn’t been childhood wounds that left me numb?

Would I have learned the truth that love doesn’t die

if I’d never had to let it go and survive the grief?

A wise teacher once told me

that in our deepest wounds

we find our greatest gifts.

Would a perfect life

have uncovered these treasures?

The inner urge to heal,

the deep need to become whole,

has transformed all pain.

As I look back upon my life,

I can see the beauty, the gift 

in all things.

And I have learned to become grateful

for it all.

© 2022 Dianne Bautch - All Rights Reserved


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