"Intoxicated by the Wine of Love" by Farid al-Din Attar

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Intoxicated by the Wine of Love.

From each a mystic silence Love demands.

What do all seek so earnestly? 'Tis Love.

What do they whisper to each other? Love.

Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts.

In Love no longer 'thou' and 'I' exist,

For Self has passed away in the Beloved.

Now will I draw aside the veil from Love,

And in the temple of mine inmost soul,

Behold the Friend; Incomparable Love.

He who would know the secret of both worlds,

Will find the secret of them both, is Love.

SOURCE: https://www.poetseers.org/spiritual-and-devotional-poets/sufi-poets/attarp/intoxicated-by-the-wine-of-love/


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"The Way of Love" 1 Corinthians 13 English Standard Bible