“No More Second Hand God” by Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller in the 1970s. From the Everett Collection, Inc. / Alamy Stock Photo

Here is God's purpose-
for God, to me, it seems,
is a verb
not a noun,
proper or improper;
is the articulation
not the art, objective or subjective;
is loving,
not the abstraction "love" commanded or entreated;
is knowledge dynamic,
not legislative code,
not proclamation law.
not academic dogma, not ecclesiastic canon.
Yes, God is a verb,
the most active,
connoting the vast harmonic
reordering of the universe
from unleashed chaos of energy.
And there is born unheralded
a great natural peace,
not out of exclusive
pseudo-static security
but out of including, refining, dynamic balancing.
Naught is lost.
Only the false and nonexistent are dispelled.[2]

SOURCE: R. Buckminster Fuller (1967). “No More Secondhand God”, p.28

♦️Buckminster Fuller was an American designer, architect, inventor and author, with a background in the Unitarian church.


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