“Poet” by Keith Basar

Throughout human history, conscious or not, we humans are relentlessly drawn towards the magnetism of Holy Love.  Of course, this Love could be echoed as truth, life, purpose and so forth.  Throughout the ages wisdom texts and homilies have uttered it, stars have glistened it, the winds have harmonized it — combining every life element into an aspiring, insatiable longing to be one with perfect Love.

To be touched and moved by Love is the “Book of Life” — scripture of the soul — light to us all.  This Love pulsates deep within, sometimes wildly, like a torrential storm — only to find its eventual equilibrium and quietude. 

Loving another is the deepest metaphor for this sweet Love — intertwining the two into sacramental oneness.  A simple human touch genuflects its heartbeat.  Eyes connecting honor its sacred space.  A kiss becomes its most Holy offering.  A warming embrace — its immersion into hallowed light.  

As a dear friend once said, “we can only hope to find the soul that will be the mirror to show us who we really are.“  In the depths of love’s mystery, the soul, shaped long ago, sent into purposeful fire, refashioned continuously and strengthen by and through Love — finds its perfect moment —  and is placed on a sacred alter to another.  Here, soul to soul, Love is fulfilled.

This is the nature and sweetness of being human, being divine, of Love itself — the yearning for and basking in the wonder of Love.  Love is our destiny, love is the sanctum of the soul.  Love is the connecting point to all that can be imagined.  As the poet Rumi uttered, “only from the heart (from Love) can you touch the sky”. 

This piece is dedicated to my dear friend Dianne. She has been and continues to be a most gracious source of heart-felt inspiration!


"Man Of Tao" — Author Unknown


"Where is God?" by Rumi