"Putting It All Together" from The Sage's Tao Te Ching by William Martin


Many in our culture 

regard youth as good 

and old age as bad. 

But is this true?   

In the sage, youth and age are married. 

Wisdom and folly have each been lived fully. 

Innocence and experience now support one another. 

Action and rest follow each other easily. 

Life and death have become inseparable.

The sage has experienced all opposites 

and lets them come and go 

without clinging or fretting. 

Therefore the sage can talk without lecturing, 

act without worrying about results, 

and live in contentment with all events. 

The first part of our life 

was spent separating things into categories: 

good and bad, 

like and dislike, 

me and you, 

us and them. 

Now it is time to put all the pieces back together 

into a seamless whole.

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