"Symphony of Spirit" by Naomi F. Stone

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Every night I arise to sing,
to invite,
and to celebrate
the birth
 of sacramental love
in the opening of hearts,
as the earth and sky
reflect the brilliance of the light,
of each created moment,
of unnumbered seasons,
of the unexplored spaces of the soul,
of all that is possible
in the flashes of vision
radiantly given
through the divine
light of God.
In perfect stillness,
a cosmic beam
pierces time and splits
the universe
to let us touch
to feel and glimpse
the horizon
where heaven allows
its breathless beauty to mingle
with our own.
A Presence lingers
in the mystical movement
of every breath,
a sweet unfolding
 is poised to sweep
this human existence
into a transcendent realm
of union.
The songs slide
from my lips,
helplessly spinning
   words of love
into the music
of flowing streams
of spirit
already mingling
with your own.
~ Naomi

SOURCE: https://newoma.wordpress.com/author/newoma/page/75/


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