"The Bud" by Keith Basar

Image by Perez Vöcking from Pixabay

As Winter gives it's final fro,

As luminous frost disappears into a daylight song

A single bud beckons to discover its life amongst the coming Spring.

Tightly and securely bound - waiting, hoping for its awakened state. 

It finally yields to a perfect hue of tender green

How majestic you are, even in your child-like state.

With layers opening at a snail’s persevering pace. 

Beauty unveiled and a majesty not of this world.

Ever expanding - pursuing the call of intensified light.

Surrounding you is your lineage,

turning heat into soothing shade 

for all who partake in this perfect splendor.

You are unique, yet connected to the whole.


As the months move subtly by

change is a gathering force. 

Sleepiness comes over you, 

like a suckling newborn.

From jaded green, to a brilliant yellow, to blazed and fiery orange,

your brilliance awes the sublime—perfect, and temporal.

Exiting your home whirling winds carry you 

beyond effort or will 

like a child swaying on a swing

Without a tear you land without expression or sound.

And find your place amongst the many 

in a clear and cleansing stream.

Onward you go 

past the rounded boulders and churning tide.

Away, away, on a journey of ages past 

only to repeat nature's eternal call

Finally, purposely,  disappearing into perfection 

And in your place, amongst the old oak, 

another takes your honored position 

and ponders its future journey home.

© 2017 Keith Basar - All Rights Reserved


Hafiz, Poet and Sufi master


“When I Was the Forest” by Meister Eckhart (1260 – 1328)