Zen Poem — Ikkyu
Zen, Poetry Wisdom2be Zen, Poetry Wisdom2be

Zen Poem — Ikkyu

Every day priests minutely examine the Dharma (universal law) 

and endlessly chant complicated sutras. 

Before doing that, though, 

they should learn how to read the love letters 

sent by the wind and rain, 

the snow and moon. 

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“An Artist’s Eye” by Keith Basar
Poetry Wisdom2be Poetry Wisdom2be

“An Artist’s Eye” by Keith Basar

This poem is dedicated to my wise, sweet friend M. A person of incalculable passion for life and the path she now excitingly follows. 


You were born of the Holy

gifted in ways that few know

and fewer could ever know.

How long has your heart celebrated your poetic flair?

and artistic touch?

that searches the stillness of the night

for its next expression?

Most likely, long before you were born

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“Poet” by Keith Basar
Keith Basar, Poetry, Wisdom Story Wisdom2be Keith Basar, Poetry, Wisdom Story Wisdom2be

“Poet” by Keith Basar

Throughout human history, conscious or not, we humans are relentlessly drawn towards the magnetism of Holy Love.  Of course, this Love could be echoed as truth, life, purpose and so forth.  Throughout the ages wisdom texts and homilies have uttered it, stars have glistened it, the winds have harmonized it — combining every life element into an aspiring, insatiable longing to be one with perfect Love.

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"Where is God?" by Rumi
Poetry Wisdom2be Poetry Wisdom2be

"Where is God?" by Rumi

I tried to find Him on the Christian cross, 

but He was not there; 

I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old pagoda, 

but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere. 

I searched the mountains and the valleys 

but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him. 

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