Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic
Wisdom2be Wisdom2be

Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic

A group of people once asked Jesus how to pray, and he answered with poetry.

Poetry, which presumably got translated many times over since then, and may or may not be accurately represented by the current versions we have available to us today. You can find many rendering’s of the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ through a simple google search, ranging in tone from the feudalistic language of King James’ Version:

“Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name…”

SOURCE: https://healingmyreligion.com/2016/04/30/how-to-pray/

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"The Compass of Compassion" by John Phillip Newell
Wisdom2be Wisdom2be

"The Compass of Compassion" by John Phillip Newell

"Notice the similarity between the word compass and the word compassion. They share an etymological root. The earliest use of the word compass does not, of course, refer to the modern hiking compass as we know it. The word is first used to refer to the mathematical compass, that simple two-pronged device that many of us remember using in grade school to measure the distance between two points and to draw arcs and circles.

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"Environment" from 365 Tao by Deng Ming Dao
Wisdom2be Wisdom2be

"Environment" from 365 Tao by Deng Ming Dao

How can you live

With the constant noise of traffic?

The stench of garbage?

The sight of buildings instead of mountains?

The movement of streets instead of rivers?

The feel of pavement instead of earth?


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The Orthodox Heretic by Peter Rollins
Theology, Philosophy Wisdom2be Theology, Philosophy Wisdom2be

The Orthodox Heretic by Peter Rollins

“Many centuries ago an independent island was attacked by the dictator of a nearby nation, a nation with vast resources and a mighty army. Upon landing on the island, this army moved with little resistance toward the capital city. With less than a day to decide what action to take, the leaders of the island desperately discussed what could be done in the face of the encroaching army. They were hugely outnumbered, out-resourced, and out-skilled, so defeat seemed inevitable.

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"Ojibwa Values"
Spirituality Wisdom2be Spirituality Wisdom2be

"Ojibwa Values"

Traditionally the Ojibwa Value the Spiritual Process

For the Ojibwa, values are part of the spiritual journey ... not the destination.

Values are an integral part of every culture. Along with a perception of mankinds' place in the universe and the individuals own personality, cultural values generate behavior.

Cultural values create expectations and behavior patterns without which a culture would disintegrate and its members lose their sense of identy and self worth.

For example, values tell people what is good or bad, right or wrong, important or insignificant, useful or detrimental, beautiful or unattractive. Values are at the root of traditions that groups of people find important in their daily lives.

What are some Ojibwa values?

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“An Artist’s Eye” by Keith Basar
Poetry Wisdom2be Poetry Wisdom2be

“An Artist’s Eye” by Keith Basar

This poem is dedicated to my wise, sweet friend M. A person of incalculable passion for life and the path she now excitingly follows. 


You were born of the Holy

gifted in ways that few know

and fewer could ever know.

How long has your heart celebrated your poetic flair?

and artistic touch?

that searches the stillness of the night

for its next expression?

Most likely, long before you were born

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